Healing Good News for pain |
A mighty ocean is made up of drops of water. A great healing chi-field is made up of individual healing stories. Every healing story is a story of love --the love of oneself and others through ups and downs. Every healing story is a story of triumph -- the triumph of one's spirit over one's temporarily setback. Life is no guarantee. We love life as it comes.
The pain in her face is better
Dear Luke, Thanks for your response. Another lady, Gill, told me the pain in her face is better, too. I asked her
if the recent surgery she had might be the cause, she said, Maybe, but she feels it's the qigong. She had
trigeminal neuralgia. (I showed her the story in the book about the lady who was cured from this) She comes
every Saturday to class at the church as well. I used to go to her house for awhile as she was so highly
medicated for the pain that she was in bed. Hope all is well. Can't wait to see you. Much love and chi,