By Martha Howard
I found a way to introduce people to the Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down, the Three Centers Merge, FaChi, La Chi and Wall Squats in a relatively short time. It was very easy when I told them that all of the movements do the same thing-- you stretch forth and direct some loving compassionate wan yuan chi toward everyone out there, and relax and take some in for yourself! Also the concept of their own being as a big expanding and relaxing "breathing" energy ball that moves with each set of movements helps. It also helps to teach the 3 centers merge as taking place in a huge sphere with infinite (no) borders, so that the person instantly "lights up" the top of the sphere, the middle, and then the bottom, with each "lit up" part containing the center; and then they "light up" the whole thing. That way they avoid all the attempts to follow a line in their mind from their head to their navel, from their arms to their navel, and from their feet to their navel, which always makes them lose energy--you can just see them drawing their eyebrows together and "concentrating."