How to deal with Stress with ChiLel:

Luke Chan

Qigong has survived thousands of years through which there were many human-induced tragedies and natural disasters. I recently practiced qigong with a fellow master who came from the Tangshan area (near Beijing) where 300,000 people were killed in the 1976 earthquake. Just imagine the human suffering created in such a few minutes! I asked the master how he had escaped this calamity and he told me that qigong had saved him. How? As a young man, he got up every morning at 4:00 am to practice qigong with his teacher. When the earthquake struck, he was riding a bicycle on the street to practice qigong!


If qigong had survived such an earthquake, it will survive others too. There are a tremendous sufferings created because of the terrorists attack on the US. We feel sorry for ourselves, as human beings, that we are capable of killing each other with such malicious intent. Yet as human beings, life goes on and we must deal with the reality the best we can. We need to take care of ourselves as individuals, and through our collective action, can change the future human action to a better one.

How to deal with the stress created by such a tragedy? The way, some of our ChiLel practitioners using, is to practice with the tape 6-directions or the Journey to Health and Happiness Tape. By refocusing our thoughts on the blue sky, the loving universe and the great healing chi-field, we can regain our balance and get on with our lives.