HEALING CANCER: Dig one hole and you will find water


Ginny Walden  is our Senior ChiLel(TM) Instructor and she offers private "chi coaching" for healing cancer. If you are interested in, please contact her at blueskyhealingarts@worldnet.att.net  



by Ginny Walden 

Honolulu, Hawaii


   Chi-Lel has a special approach that other forms of qigong do not: there is a focus  on changing the thought and keeping it changed, by emphasizing feeling positive. This is one of the  secrets to healing. You know how you feel when something wonderful happens to you. If you fall in love you feel like you can do anything. Difficulties in life no longer upset you. Your energy increases and your outlook is positive. But if you fall out of love, the world becomes dark and painful. That is because we attached love to someone outside of us. Chi-lel can teach you how to fall in love with your true self and stay in this state of love and peace within. Love, in the form of compassion, is really a word that means feeling a connection to all life. When illness appears, we got disconnected from our inner peace somewhere. If we get the connection back, we can heal more quickly. One way is to find our belief in chi. 
     But what if you do not believe in chi? In Master Chan's book, 101 Miracles of Natural Healing 
 (p. 129) he says: "1. Belief (Shan Shin): While belief is not a must for people to receive chi healing, as shown by babies who couldn't have believed in chi and yet recovered, it is nonetheless a very important part of self-healing. Experience at the Center tells us that only a small percentage of people can readily absorb chi, so most people will require persistence to achieve the benefits of Chi-Lel."The answer is to dig one hole, dig every day, and you will find water.
     Some students tell me they are doing some Yoga and some Reiki and some other forms of qigong and Chi-lel. There are many roads to healing, but if you are dividing your focus, this will weaken your focus with doing too many different methods at once. There is another saying " All roads lead to Rome." So if you choose one road you will arrive at Rome. Dig one hole and you will find water.
     The real challenge is to change your thought and keep it changed. Emmet Fox writes in his bookle the Mental Equivalent "If you want health, you must cease to think sickness and fear and you must get the habit of thinking health and harmony. There can be no sickness without fear. ..Change your thought and keep it changed, not for ten seconds, but steadily and permanently.....the secret lies in focus. If you want to photograph something, you focus your camera lens quietly, steadily and persistently on the subject for the necessary length of time. Suppose I want to photograph a vase of flowers..I do not press it violently against the lens of the camera. That would be silly. But suppose that after a few moments I snatch away the vase and hold a book in front of the camera, and then snatch that away and hold up a chair, and then put the flowers back and so forth. You know what will happen to the photograph. It will be a crazy blur...People think health for a few minutes and then they think sickness and fear...you must allow a train of relevant thoughts to have free play in your mind..but they all must be positive,constructive, harmonious and pertain to your desire.." How can we do this? How can we commit to a positive thought and stay there? Chi-Lel leads your mind with a CD or audio tape. Your wandering mind and emotions stay focused in a positive place longer with Master Chan leading you like they do at the Center.This is essential in your practice and the core of Chi-lel. Without the CD your practice is not Chi-lel, it is just a physical exercise. Master Chan's voice has pure intention. The tone is positive. Two deaf students at a retreat said they felt healing chi in Master Chan's  CD Journey To Health and Happiness even though they could not hear the words. The loving tone of his voice and the repetiton of affirmations, visualizations and "release-absorb" readily connects us on a deeper level of  feeling mind and can re-program our thinking mind over time.
    The older we are, the more our minds have been programmed over and over by the media.We are continually influenced by what  people say we need to do, so we have many doubts about healing cancer. Chi-lel gives us a tool to change our old thinking habits and switch to a positive outlook. Our mind is attracted to Master Chan's loving tone and affirmations because, one, he is saying  the result we want ,and two, this is our true nature to be loving, positive and at peaceful within. We are coming home inside. It is like we are changing the channel on the TV. Would you rather watch a violent show or a show about a person who healed from terminal cancer? Chi-lel helps us change the channel.
     If you practice Chi-Lel persistently, daily, eventually you will find your logical mind has accepted your true feeling nature. You will feel quiet and peaceful within. Eventually, and this is my experience from 5 years of practice, you stay in this peaceful, loving place. Even negative thoughts do not enter your mind because this no longer feels comfortable. Negativity no longer belongs there.You feel connected with all people and all life around you. So be persistent. Start your 100 Day Gong and continue your gongs after that. Stay with Chi-Lel. Cancer will leave because it cannot live where you are peaceful. Dig one hole and you will find water. ( Note: I have said this 3 times to help you change your thought!)
Ginny Walden, Senior Instructor
Honolulu, Hawaii